Cashier Services
The Cashier's Office accepts cash, checks and/or money orders for all charges that appear on your account. Credit card payments can ONLY be made through DUPay.
Checks must be from a U.S. bank or a bank with a U.S. subsidiary, and must be payable in U.S. currency. Make checks out to the University of Denver and please include the student ID number on the check.
Location/Mailing Address and Contact Information
University Hall
Cashier's Office
2197 S University Blvd, Room 223
Denver, Colorado 80208
Phone: 303-871-4944
Visitor parking is available on the south side of the neighboring building, Mary Reed, southwest of University Hall.
Other Cashier Services
Returned Bank Items
A $20 fee will be assessed for any returned item from the bank. This includes, but is not limited to, stop payments and insufficient funds. A hold will also be placed on your tuition account preventing registration, the release of official transcripts, the viewing of account information and the release of diplomas until the payment is resolved.
Departmental Deposits
New Cashiering System for Departmental Deposits:
The new cashiering system offers a more convenient, secure, and faster way to make departmental deposits. Starting Tuesday, June 27th, departmental depositors can start using the steps outlined in the Departmental Deposit User Guide.
Departmental deposits must be received by the Cashier's Office before 2:30 p.m. Month-end and year-end departmental deposit deadlines may differ.
Departmental Payouts
Departments wishing to use departmental funds to make a payment on a student's account must go through Financial Aid, and the payment must be awarded as a scholarship.
For questions regarding departmental payouts, call the Cashier's Office at 303-871-4944.